Affiliate Disclosure

On this website we will occasionally evaluate or mention products and services. I’m an Amazon affiliate, which means we endorse products we genuinely believe in and share them through affiliate links. When you make a purchase through one of my links, we may earn a commission. It’s a way for us to support products we like while also earning a little extra income.

That said, we only endorse products or services which we believe will benefit you. We don’t recommend products solely based on their price if they do not meet our benchmark quality standards. Quality & reliability is the top priority.

How we select products

At Man-Up, we recommend products that meet our standards of quality, reliability, and effectiveness, as well as offer value for money. Our selection process involves thorough research, including studying customer reviews, assessing product specifications, and considering expert recommendations.

With that clarified, we also go the extra mile by prioritizing products that are predominantly made in India. We advocate for the “Made in India” initiative and actively promote locally sourced products wherever it is possible. Jai Hind 🇮🇳.

Of course, full disclosure: Making Sense of Cents is a for-profit business, which means we do make money from it.